Thursday 7 May 2015

Movenote - Convert Google Docs, Slides, Images and Video to Online Feedback or Flipping the Classroom

Movenote is app that can be added to Google Chrome that allows you to create screencasting videos of content from your Google Drive or Local Device. It converts each page or slide into a slide that can be used in Movenote. Movenote then provides an interface where you appear as a small talking head in the corner of the published Movenote. You draw your students attention to parts of a document, slide, or video by using your mouse. 

For students who need a friendly face or more than just voice or text comments to improve their work in a document this could be an option. You could also use Movenote to present some information to students prior to them attending class in a flipped classroom model. If you really want to flipped things, why not have the students use Movenote to create their own presentations on topics of their choice or record reflections on their learning which are then shared with the class to spark further discussion. 

See this link for a video overview of Movenote:

I am sure you will find many more uses for it. The premium version is $2.99, but the free version seems to do what most people need. 

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