Wednesday 20 May 2015

Grabbing Links, Snippets, and Images for Use in Mindomo

If you are a user of Mindomo, you might be interested in this extension. Mindomo have created a Mindomo Bookmarks extension that enables you to capture and send links, text snippets, and images right from your chrome browser as you are browsing. Of course, you will need to have a Mindomo account setup in order for this extension to function. 

Once the extension is installed, the Mindomo icon will show up in extensions area of your browser indicating that Mindomo Bookmarks is installed and working. 

To send a link to Mindomo you just click the Mindomo icon and you will be notified the link has been sent to Mindomo. The next time you open Minodomo and click the Bookmarks item, the new link will appear in your Mindomo bookmarks list. 

You can then insert the Bookmark by clicking the small arrow to the right of the link and selecting how you would like the link inserted. 

Links remain active within your Mindomo map and provide access to the page you are linking.

The extension allow provides access to the Right-Click or Ctrl-Click "Send to Mindomo" feature. To use this just highlight any text that appears on a web page and Right-Click/Ctrl-Click or Right-Click/Ctrl-Click any image and select "Send to Mindomo." Whatever text or image you have sent will appear in the Mindomo Bookmarks menu and you can then insert it in your map the same way you insert links from Mindomo Bookmarks. 

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